Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thing #15

Library 2.0, yes the future is coming upon us quick. We provide excellent service to customers! I feel the biggest thing is computer service, what we have to offer.....anyone can find just about anything they are looking for. However, particular generations are not very computer "savvy", this does present a problem to them, yet that is what we have Librarians for; assisting in searching.
This particular generation also looks for the latest and greatest in reading materials. Yet other generations are using Net Library, E-books, etc. Which you need to start out at the library, but can continue using at home on your own PC.

1 comment:

sewinglady said...

All this technology presented in 13, 14, and 15 do seem time consuming for the average person to set up and maintain. I do also like the tags and the searching availablilty once this is set up. My question to all of this is the WHO aspect. Who is going tio sert all these great ideas into motion for the library.
I am trying to keep an open mind by thinking I will continue with some of the places I have set up.